Asian Youth Forum 亞洲青年論壇
整體活動內容不僅豐富且多元,更反映出新世代年輕人的想法,相信第一屆「亞洲青年論壇」,一如他們對於自己的形容「Our Marvelous Generation」, 將會是精彩可期,同時也將藉由不同國家青年的交流,激盪出更多火花。
Registration Form 報名表:https://forms.gle/xFkNkMkNmKtc6yfx6
For Dummies 懶人包:https://reurl.cc/MvzQbW
Origins 緣起:
Hailing from 15 different universities across Taiwan, we are students who are highly interested in Asia and regional-related issues and have been committed towards turning our vision into action. In this highly competitive era, we believe that deep self-awareness, strong community networks, and passion to help others are three characteristics which are crucial to youth of the 21st century. Therefore, in collaboration with Taiwan’s National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Leadership Program and Fair Winds Foundation, we decided to launch this inaugural “Asian Youth Forum” to focus on issues related to Asia and the United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals."
我們是一群來自全臺15所大專院校的大學生,對於亞洲及相關議題高度關注,長期將理想付諸於實踐與行動。在全球化高度競爭的時代,我們認為「 深度自我覺察」、「建立社群連結」、「產生利他行動」此三項目標對於21世紀的青年而言缺一不可。因此,參與國立清華大學立德計畫與長風文教基金會的在學青年們,以亞洲議題和聯合國永續發展目標為兩大主軸,發起第一屆「亞洲青年論壇」。
Four Major Themes 四大議題:
Focusing on issues related to Asia and the United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals", our program will explore four major themes in depth. Through focused discussions on each theme, business visits, teamwork and contest, we hope that each group of participants will be able to deliver a reachable action plan on one of the major themes.
- Online Education
- Cultural Heritage and Innovation
- Future of Fintech in Asia
- Environmental Sustainability in Industry
- 線上教育
- 文化傳承與創新
- 產業的環境永續發展
- 亞洲與未來金融的鏈結
Event Details 活動詳情
1. Time: Saturday, September 5 to Tuesday, September 8, 2020
2. Locations: National Tsing Hua University and Landis Inn Chuhu (No. 16, Daxue Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
3. Registration Fee: $3,000 NTD (or $100 USD) (to be paid after admission)
4. Transportation Subsidy: Up to $1,000 NTD for local participants, up to $20,000 NTD (or $650 USD) if you have to fly to Taiwan
5. Qualifications: The program is targeted at youths between 18 and 30 years old. We plan to accept 60 Taiwanese participants and 40 foreign and mainland Chinese participants. Due to the current pandemic, the number of accepted participants and priorities in admission may be adjusted to respond to government policies.
6. Language: The entire program will be conducted in English, with no translation provided.
7. Major Themes: Online Education, Cultural Heritage and Innovation, Future of Fintech in Asia, Environmental Sustainability in Industry
8. Co-organized by: Fair Winds Foundation and NTHU Leadership Program
1. 時間:2020年9月5日(星期六)至9月8日(星期二)
2. 地點:國立清華大學(主場地)
3. 報名費用:新臺幣3,000元(或100美元)(錄取後繳交)
4. 交通補助:國內交通至多補助新臺幣1,000元,需搭機來臺學員則至多補助新臺幣2萬元(或650美元)。
5. 報名資格:18至30歲青年,預計招收60名臺灣學員及40名外國籍和中國大陸籍學員。由於疫情關係,招收人數及優先錄取順序可能視政府政策而調整。
6. 語言:全程以英語進行,不另行提供翻譯。
7. 論壇主題:線上教育、文化傳承與創新、亞洲與未來金融的鏈結、產業的環境永續發展
8. 合辦單位:長風基金會及國立清華大學立德計畫
Important Reminders 注意事項
1. Registration Deadline: Sunday, June 28 11:59 PM (Taiwan time)
2. Once the registration fee is paid, no refund will be permitted. In case of any force majeure event occurring beyond your control, please contact us, and we will address it on a case-by-case basis.
3. If the Forum is delayed due to a force majeure event, we will refund the registration fee, if you are unable to attend the rescheduled program.
4. The information that you provide below will be used for Asian Youth Forum purposes only.
1. 報名截止:延至7月6日(星期一)23:59(臺灣時間)截止
2. 本次論壇一經繳費後即不予退費,若遭遇不可抗力之因素,請提供證明並與活動團隊聯絡,我們將依個案方式申請退費。
3. 若本論壇遇天災、疾病等不可抗力之因素延期,致使報名者無法參與,則報名費將全數退還。
4. 您提供的所有資料,將僅用於辦理亞洲青年論壇,不做其他用途,請安心填寫。